The Good Life: Letterpress

Thursday, October 17th, 7-9pm

7-8pm: Kyle Schlesinger Presents
8-9pm: Light Refreshments & Socializing

You may have heard that printing is good for you, but nobody really talks about why. Like yoga, printing is beneficial to your mind, body, and even spirit. It is physically satisfying, mentally engaging, and repetitive enough to bring on a tranquil feeling. In a world mediated by technology we don’t understand, it is empowering to work with machines we can apprehend visually and mechanically. Moreover, letterpress is good for the environment, and it fosters community, teamwork, creativity, and a special view of history. Want to live the good life? Come to Austin Book Arts Center and start printing.

Kyle Schlesinger is a printer with twenty years’ experience. He is also the proprietor of Cuneiform Press, a literary arts organization based in Austin.

This event is part of ABAC’s Third Thursday series. For each, we invite a special presenter to provide an educational demonstration during the first hour. A reception follows. These family-friendly happenings are free and open to the public.