Introducing: Katy Baker

Here’s another one from the Biblio Files, a periodic profile of a community member, highlighting what makes ABAC an awesome place to work and to learn!

1. How long have you been volunteering at ABAC, and what brought you here?

I discovered ABAC in 2017 after a quick google search for letterpress printing classes in my area. I had just purchased a Golding Pearl and had done quite a bit of research in an attempt to teach myself the trade, but wanted to take a formal class to learn more. It was so refreshing to meet people in the letterpress community and to talk about printing! I learned how to print on a Vandercook – and I completely fell in love!

2. What appeals to you about letterpress?

Probably the precision of it all. The way letterpress printing looks up close, the texture, shadows, it’s just so much more captivating than flat printing. I still can’t help but to run my finger over the text every time I print something new. And the precision required when setting the press up to print is one of my favorite things. In a love/hate way. It can be very challenging which makes the gratification that much sweeter.

3. What is your background?

I have no real background in print or design. I actually never considered myself a very creative person growing up, but I have learned that creativity can be cultivated. The main thing I try to do is keep developing. I’ve taken classes at ABAC, read a million articles and forums online, studied the design work of other artists, and allowed myself some grace when I’ve created some really ugly work in the past. 

4. What inspires you as an artist?

I am inspired by nature, other print work, and most of all, architecture. It might sound strange but sometimes I see a really beautiful building and think, “What would that look like as an invitation?” Some of my favorite color palettes have come from buildings or interior design I’ve seen while traveling. My business card should read “Travels with Pantone.”

5. What are you working on now? 

Right now I’ve got a few small weddings in the works and a line of greeting cards I hope to release in early 2020. I also plan on taking the Bookbinding and Improve Your Penmanship classes at ABAC to keep cultivating creativity!