Free Paper Making Workshop with Yama Ploskonka!

Join us for a brief lecture “Forbidden Paper Making of the Spanish Colonies” and then learn the basics of making paper by hand.

Friday, October 11th

Activities start at 7:00 P.M.

While the Spanish were the first to print books and make paper in the Americas, “something” happened. No paper made in Spanish America exists, those papermills disappeared, while the British not only caught up, but were making paper and books everywhere they could.

Perhaps some papermaking happened “underground”, as the Spanish authorities were generally not friendly of such things (because tariffs, did you know?) The Jesuit Missions in the Paraguay “might” have made paper in the 1720s, there is some curious evidence discovered in Austin, of all places.

A brief presentation about some facts of history, and why that “mystery” matters even today, especially today, will be followed by a hands-on workshop where participants get to make by hand a sheet of paper to take home that looks like it was made in 1724.

Yama Ploskonka is catching up on life as he chose a few years ago to become a papermaker when he grows up. He was a teacher, computer and robotic geek besides much else in many places, and generally spends his time now sharing ways of making things before those skills gets lost and forgotten. Since 2016 he started Papel Texano in Austin, to encourage people to make paper and especially to use handmade paper for prints and books, like it had been for hundreds of years

The Good Life: Letterpress

Thursday, October 17th, 7-9pm

7-8pm: Kyle Schlesinger Presents
8-9pm: Light Refreshments & Socializing

You may have heard that printing is good for you, but nobody really talks about why. Like yoga, printing is beneficial to your mind, body, and even spirit. It is physically satisfying, mentally engaging, and repetitive enough to bring on a tranquil feeling. In a world mediated by technology we don’t understand, it is empowering to work with machines we can apprehend visually and mechanically. Moreover, letterpress is good for the environment, and it fosters community, teamwork, creativity, and a special view of history. Want to live the good life? Come to Austin Book Arts Center and start printing.

Kyle Schlesinger is a printer with twenty years’ experience. He is also the proprietor of Cuneiform Press, a literary arts organization based in Austin.

This event is part of ABAC’s Third Thursday series. For each, we invite a special presenter to provide an educational demonstration during the first hour. A reception follows. These family-friendly happenings are free and open to the public.

Paper + Weaving

Thursday, September 19th, 7-9pm

7-8pm: Rebecca Switzer Presents
8-9pm: Light Refreshments, Socialize!

Rebecca Switzer will display and discuss the collection of paper weavings that she created during a workshop with Helen Hiebert: Weaving Through Winter*: an online sharing challenge of 30 weavings in 30 days. Discover the basics of paper weaving, and observe methods to combine weaving with pop-up book techniques and paper casting to make paper sculpture.

*Information about the weaving workshop can be found at

This event is part of ABAC’s new Third Thursday series. For each event, we invite a special presenter to provide an educational demonstration during the first hour. A reception follows. These family-friendly events are free and open to the public.

Introducing: Natalie Freed

1. What is your role at Austin Book Arts Center? 

I teach a class on Paper Circuits, where we add lights and interactivity to handmade books using electronics techniques adapted to work especially well with papercraft. 

2. What is a special memory of teaching at Austin Book Arts Center?

I love how welcoming and friendly the culture of ABAC is. One lovely moment from a class was when we paused for lunch and realized that one student had forgotten to bring something to eat (this was at the old ABAC location that didn’t have many food options nearby), so everyone else decided to pool theirs and turn our lunch break into an impromptu potluck. Then we all sat down and chatted about everything from bread baking to books. These are the kind of people it is wonderful to make things alongside.

3. What distinguishes book arts from other art forms? 

There are exceptions to any definition of what is a book (or what is art!) but I personally enjoy the sense of sequence and flow that is built into experiencing an artist book. As someone who remembers being told off as a child in museums for getting too close to the art, I also rather like the idea that to really experience an artist book, you need to be able to touch it. Finally, I think that book arts are something you can pick up and enjoy at many different levels, and the distinction between “art” and “craft” feels more blended to me than with some other art forms.

4. What is your background?

I would say I’m a lifelong maker and crafter. I love beautiful materials and making things with my hands, but I also really enjoy some of the things you can do with computers and electronics, so I’ve spent a lot of time experimenting in the space between the two. My formal studies were in computer science and new media.

5. What drew you to study book arts?

 I’m not sure I can explain why I think books are so magical, but I’ve always loved being around them. When I was a kid I loved making origami books, the tinier the better. My first job in college was in special collections at my university’s library, and I still remember the day I first discovered the artist books section. And I keep discovering new and interesting things that fall under book arts.There are people who specifically make and collect miniature books! This is amazing and delightful. And zines are wonderful, and also technically books! So I suppose it just continues to draw me in. 

6. What are you working on now? 

I’m working on a level two version of the Paper Circuits class, and a possible new class about designing custom patterns for stab bound books.




CANCELLED: Kyle Durrie of Power and Light Press Visits ABAC


We’re bummed to announce that Kyle and the Moveable Type Truck can’t make it on September 7th. This heat has not been kind! Stay tuned–we’ll reschedule if possible.


Kyle Durrie of Power and Light Press, Silver City, NM
Saturday, September 7th from 2-6pm at ABAC

The indomitable Ms. Durrie is once again hitting the open road in her “Moveable Type” truck for a tour of the southern states. She will be setting up shop at the Austin Book Arts Center during the Fall Open House to engage visitors with letterpress demos and a stunning array of letterpress printed merchandise.

This is the second tour of the “Moveable Type” truck. Back in 2011-2013, Durrie traveled around the country in this same truck, with the mission of sharing the craft of letterpress printing. She is visiting small towns and big cities to spread the good word about printing the old fashioned way, by hosting public pop-ups, letterpress demos, and letter-writing events along the way.

Fall Open House

Saturday, September 7th from 10am-5pm
Austin Book Arts Center
5501 N. Lamar, Suite C125, Austin, TX 78751
Free admission; Enjoy refreshments and door prizes.

The Austin Book Arts Center invites the public to an Open House. Come visit the Studio and see what’s new, including an expanded retail nook.

Fall registration has begun. Learn about the new schedule, with many exciting workshops for children and adults being offered for the first time! From medieval bookbinding to DIY photopolymer, cyanotypes to leather working, there’s bound to be a class you can’t pass up. Volunteers are onsite to lead demonstrations in bookbinding and letterpress printing. Attendees may print a keepsake or bind a book.

Spacey Repurposed Book Sculpture

Thursday, August 15th, 7-9pm

7-8pm: Lee Steiner Presents
8-9pm: Light Refreshments, Socialize!

Book artist Lee Steiner will demonstrate making space-y, far-out dioramas from discarded books. Lee will show cutting, folding, and construction techniques she uses to transform thrift shop books into a variety of out-of-this world sculptural elements that include cut-circle orbs, book sunbursts, folded UFOs, lunar cylinders, and a DIY spaceship!

This event is part of ABAC’s new Third Thursday series. For each event, we invite a special presenter to provide an educational demonstration during the first hour. A reception follows. These family-friendly events are free and open to the public.

Introducing: Lindsay Nakashima

Here’s another one from the Biblio Files, a periodic profile of a community member, highlighting what makes ABAC an awesome place to work and to learn!

  1. What is your role at Austin Book Arts Center?

  Instructor of Bookbinding.

 2. What is a special memory of teaching at Austin Book Arts Center?

In general, how connected and focused my students become in the making process. This connection between the human, their hands, and making an object.

3. What distinguishes book arts from other art forms? 

As someone who views myself as a craftswoman, I consider book arts through the lens of traditional bookbinding. Therefore akin to other crafts, such as woodworking, structure often comes first. These technical concerns govern the choice of materials, making the final product all the more rewarding as the result of the craftsperson’s limited and trained decisions working within a fixed range of possibilities.

4. What is your background? 

My background began in the craft of papermaking, working at the Oakdale Papermaking Facility and with Tim Barrett at the University of Iowa Center for the Book (UICB).

5. What drew you to study book arts?

I remember when my former professor showed us students his gampi paper and deerskin book as a demo for the first time. I was amazed by the contrast between the rough texture of these homespun materials and the precise mechanics of the book which allowed these delicately thin sheets of paper to be easily turned from page to page. Additionally, Pamela Spitzmueller was working for the UICB and her research with the Long Link Stitch got me to take a course in non-adhesive bookbinding. Afterward I moved to Austin and met Olivia Primanis and Mary Baughman at the HRC Harry Ransom Center when volunteering. They encouraged me to take classes at the Academy of Bookbinding where I met Don Etherington my instructor. I took classes over the years before finally learning of the North Bennett Street School that Mark Esser began in 1984, a bookbinding program. He was a student of Bill Anthony from the UICB (never met him as he passed away), but was greatly influenced by his craftsmanship which Mark learned and most likely influenced the studies there. I studied under Jeff Altepeter for two years and returned home to Austin. 

6. What are you working on now? 

More than working on my original designs I have recently been focusing on book restoration. At NBSS we spent little time on this aspect of bookbinding, but I enjoy the challenge of being presented with various binding structures and using my skills as a binder and papermaker to restore them. My focus is to restore them in a way they just seem to be books that have been well cared for over the years. Their patina remains intact, but the “dust” of the book seems removed. I like to be invisible and let it be about the book.

Sake and Suminagashi

Thursday, July 18th, 7-9pm

7pm & 8pm: Suminagashi Demonstrations
7-9pm: Drink Sake, Write a Haiku, Socialize!

Come learn about the ancient art of suminagashi, or Japanese paper marbling, with guest presenter Shawn Mauser, and enjoy delicious sake from our neighbors at Texas Sake Co. Tours of Texas Sake Co will occur throughout the evening. You can even type a Haiku!

This event is part of ABAC’s new Third Thursday series. For each event, we’ve invited a special presenter to provide a demonstration during the first hour. A reception follows. These family-friendly events are free and open to the public.

Between the Lines and Beneath the Spines

Thursday, June 20th, 7-10pm

7-8pm: Presentation
8-10pm: Refreshments and socializing

Meet other book lovers! Have fun! Learn something new!

As part of ABAC’s new Third Thursday series, come hear Book Conservator, and Book Whisperer, Mary Baughman share secrets told to her by ancient and new books, at the Ransom Center, and around the world over the last 60 years. Bring your own books and Mary will interpret their secrets. Surprise guests.

This event launches ABAC’s Third Thursday series. For each event, we’ve invited a special presenter to provide a hands-on, interactive demo during the first hour. A reception follows. These family-friendly events are free and open to the public.