ABAC Finds a New Home!

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the Austin Book Arts Center has found a new home at 5501 N. Lamar, Suite 125. Moving will commence the last two weeks in February and workshops will resume on March 1st at the Lamar location. The new location is larger by over 500 square feet and neighbors with Half Price Books, Book Woman, Titaya’s Thai restaurant, Nervous Charlie’s Bagel Shop, and Texas Sake Co. The Board of Directors chose this address with confidence that the visibility of a Lamar storefront and the central location will enable ABAC to continue to grow at the rapid pace experienced since its founding three years ago.

ABAC has thrived in its original location within the Flatbed Press building, an 18,000 square foot facility known as one of East Austin’s premier art centers. This move is precipitated by Flatbed Press losing its lease and the property being redeveloped. In addition to ABAC and Flatbed Press, eleven other tenants must find a new home, representing the dissolution of a thriving community of galleries, artists studios, and arts related businesses.

In order to bid a fond farewell to our first home at Flatbed Press, ABAC is holding a Winter Open House on Saturday, February 9th, 10am-5pm at the East MLK location.

Visitors can drop in to enjoy refreshments and to learn more about the new Lamar location. Previous students are invited to showcase work that has been produced at the Flatbed location over the last three years. Attendees will also learn about the Spring 2019 schedule of workshops. Volunteers are onsite to lead demonstrations in bookbinding and letterpress printing. Attendees may print Valentines or make their own book. Admission is free.