Instructions for booking Studio time
1). Hover over calendar and click on an available date.
Most Sundays and Tuesdays, are available at the following times:
Sundays 6:00pm-9:00pm
Tuesdays 6:00pm-9:00pm
2). After clicking on a date, choose one of the available presses or choose General Studio.
3). Hover over the box and click on the time slot to proceed. All time slots are 3 hours in length. You will reserve the entire 3-hr slot, but are only required to pay for the time that you use. You may arrive at ABAC at any point within your reserved time, but you must be finished and cleaned up by the end of your time slot.
4). Click on the small Shopping Cart icon (lower right) to proceed.
5). After booking, you will receive a text confirmation and an email with instructions for payment. Payment is due at the time of rental.
6). Please be sure you are familiar with Open Studio requirements and general policies, which may be found here.
How to pay
Payment is due at the time of rental. Please pay when you are done using the Studio and have fully cleaned up. The rate is $10/hr, billed in half-hour increments. Click here for the payment page. Thank you!