ExpiredThe Salt Print and Photo Album

lockhart1In the first portion of this class, students will learn the basics of the creating and printing a salt print, a nineteenth century photographic process created by Henry Fox Talbot. The second half of the class will be dedicated to learning some basic bookbinding skills by creating a cloth-covered, post screw photo album.

Level: This class is appropriate for students at all levels.
Dates: Saturday & Sunday, October 10 & 11
Time: 10am-4pm
Instructor: John Lockhart and Kevin Auer
Cost: $180 tuition + $20 materials fee

Note: Members receive a 10% discount off the price of tuition and materials. Please click here to join as a Member.

Note: This class will meet offsite at the UT Design Lab. Students will receive detailed information on location and parking after registration.

More information about John Lockhart may be found on his website: http://www.johnlockhart.photography/

Kevin Auer trained as an apprentice in bookbinding with Scott Mullenberg in Portland, Maine. He then worked as a conservation technician for a number of years at Cornell University. After graduating from the conservation program at the University of Texas at Austin, Kevin worked as a book conservator at the Walters Art Museum and has also done some book conservation at the Harry Ransom Center. Kevin learned letterpress from David Wolfe in Portland, Maine. He co-owned Wolfe Editions, a small shop that specialized in artists’ books and limited edition work. Kevin also ran his own shop for a number of years doing letterpress printing and book binding. He has taught letterpress at Dartmouth College, as part of their summer workshop program, and also taught letterpress as an adjunct professor at the Maryland Institute College of Art. And for the past year and a half, Kevin has been the shop manager for the letterpress shop in the Design Department at the University of Texas.

  • October 10, 2015 - October 11, 2015
    10:00 am - 4:00 pm
    Total spaces remaining: 4
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

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