ExpiredLetterpress Printing With Type as Illustration

Get creative with wood and metal type in this workshop with visiting book artist Peter Thomas, exploring various ways of using type to create illustration. Each participant will use letters to create shapes or graphic images, or will use letters and words to create designs. We will then print the type in multiple color runs, using a split fountain, learning how to change the value and tone of the color during the various press runs without having to wash up in-between. We will then print second and third runs over the first to add visual interest. Each participant will make enough copies to share with the other classmates. We will end the workshop either by folding the prints into booklets or creating a non-adhesive folder binding to hold them.

Level: This class is appropriate for students at all levels.
Dates: Saturday & Sunday, February 16 & 17
Time: 10am-4pm
Max. no of students: 6
Instructor: Peter Thomas
Cost: $180 tuition + $10 materials fee

Note: Members receive a 10% discount off the price of tuition and materials. Please click here to join as a Member.

Completion of this class will qualify you to use the studios for your own projects. Details on Open Studio may be found here.

Peter Thomas is a book artist and hand papermaker who works in collaboration with his wife Donna Thomas to create fine press and artist books. Their books combine the precision of the fine press aesthetic with the structural creativity found in contemporary artists’ books. They are currently celebrating 40 years of making books and traveling the country as “Wandering Book Artists” to visit the libraries hosting shows of their work. They are authors of “More Making Books by Hand” and their website is: http://www2.cruzio.com/~peteranddonna/

  • February 16, 2019 - February 17, 2019
    10:00 am - 4:00 pm
    Total spaces remaining: 2
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

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