ExpiredDone and Done

You started a bookbinding project, and then life made other plans. Your great idea for a book arts gift ran into a snag. 10 years later and the wedding album is not finished? Time to take charge and get it done. There is no shame no blame in this class, just a can-do attitude and the skills, tools, and equipment to finish the job.

During the first class session, we look at the project and devise a solution. We’ll gather special paper, adhesive, or other supplies or tools if needed prior to the next class. During the second class session, we’ll wrap it up. C’est fini! Done and done.

Level: This class is appropriate for students at all levels.
Dates: Sunday, September 15 (10am-12pm) and Saturday, September 28 (10am-4pm)
Max. no of students: 6
Instructor: Mary Baughman
Cost: $80 tuition + materials fee TBD

This workshop will be held at our new location, 5501 North Lamar Blvd, near the intersection of Lamar Blvd and Koenig Ln.

Note: Members receive a 10% discount off the price of tuition and materials. Please click here to join as a Member.

Completion of this class will qualify you to use the studios for your own projects. Details on Open Studio may be found here.

For decades, Mary Baughman cared for books at the Ransom Center. Thirty-nine years of work in that dynamic institution convinced her that books are the technology of the future. Teaching book arts for children convinced her that children who learn to love books will support the libraries of the future. Promoting book arts convinced Mary that a book arts center would be welcome in Austin. Mary is a member of the Lone Star chapter of the Guild of Book Workers, a member of the American Institute for Conservation, and a founding member of Austin Book Workers, and one of the originators of the Book Arts Fair held for 20+ years at Laguna Gloria Art Museum.

  • September 15, 2019 - September 28, 2019
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Total spaces remaining: 6
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

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