ExpiredBind a Custom Portfolio

portfolio3Protect your important documents or art on paper. Students will construct a custom portfolio, while learning about the tools, materials, and techniques commonly used in bookbinding. Cloth, board, and decorative paper will be provided. This class is appropriate for graphic designers, photographers, fine art printers, or anyone with a document or art work that they want to protect.

Level: This class is appropriate for students at all levels.
Dates: Thursday, January 30
Time: 6pm-9pm
Max. no of students: 6
Instructor: Amanda Stevenson
Cost: $45 tuition + $5 materials fee

Note: Members receive a 10% discount off the price of tuition and materials. Please click here to join as a Member.

Amanda Stevenson is the director of the Austin Book Arts Center. She began her career in the book arts at the Center for Book Arts in New York City, where she was the Registrar/Administrator in the early aughts. Availing herself with many classes in bookbinding and letterpress, she learned from some of the best. Before co-founding the Austin Book Arts Center in 2015, she worked for seven years at The Printing Museum in Houston, primarily as the Curator, where she was responsible for organizing exhibitions, collections management, and education programs. She holds a Master’s degree in Library Science from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, with a concentration in special collections management, and a BA in Art History from UT Austin. She believes in the enduring power of books.

  • January 30, 2020
    6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Total spaces remaining: 4
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

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