The Austin Book Arts Center Board of Directors is pleased to announce our successful FIRST BIRTHDAY BASH took place at the North Door on Wednesday, September 28th, 2016 from 6-9pm.
(Scroll down for images).
Austin Book Arts Center celebrated its first year of operation with letterpress printing, tiny books, music by Ruby and the Reckless, cupcakes, champagne, and a silent auction. Greg Ciotti of KOOP Radio was the Master of Ceremonies.
The event was to celebrate the accomplishments made by the Austin Book Arts Center in the first year of operation, including the expansion of the ABAC studio into a larger space at the Flatbed Building. Since September 2015, 57 workshops have been offered to engage people in creative, interpretive, and educational experiences related to the arts of the book.
The event raised almost $4000, 100% of which will go directly towards ABAC’s programming.
We would like to acknowledge donors to the Silent Auction:
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema
Amanda Stevenson
Anthony Maddaloni Photography
Beck Whitehead
Breakaway Records
Cari Marshall
Chet Phillips Illustration
Cloverleaf Bindery/Jace Graf
Contemporary Austin
Dana Kull
Domestic Papers/Lee Steiner
Half Prince Books
Jessica Crane
Jim Croft
Koch Printing/Max Koch
Kyle Hawley
Little Free Library
Malvern Books
Margi Tenney
Mary Baughman
Michael O’Brien
Missy Bosch Studios
Shanna Leino
South Congress Books
All images courtesy of Anthony Maddaloni Photography
ABAC_party1.jpg: Ruby and the RecklessABAC_party2.jpg Greg Ciotti, Master of CeremoniesABAC_party3.jpg Mary Baughman, Chair Board of Directors, and Turk PipkinABAC_party4.jpg Attendees making small books.ABAC_party5.jpg Mary Baughman, Chair Board of Directors, and Amanda Stevenson, DirectorABAC_party6.jpg (left to right) Deborah Hartigan, Mark Smith, Kyle Hawley, Mary Baughman, Margi Tenney, Amanda Stevenson, Dana Kull, Cari MarshallABAC_party7.jpg Amanda Stevenson, Director and Mary Baughman, Chair Board of DirectorsABAC_party8.jpg Mary Baughman, Chair, Board of DirectorsABAC_party9.jpg Ruby JaneABAC_party10.jpg CUPCAKES!
Come by and see our new digs! ABAC has recently expanded our existing space. We now have a fully-equipped letterpress printshop, with 3 Vandercook proof presses and a 8×12 Chandler & Price platen jobber. This will significantly increase our capacity to offer classes and to fulfill our mission.
We are also excited to announce Open Studio times are scheduled for the first time this fall. Click here for more info.
We do hope to see you at the Open House for bookbinding and letterpress demonstrations. Learn about the fall schedule of workshops and letterpress print a bookmark!
Ring in the New Year by learning something new! The Austin Book Arts Center Board of Directors invites the public to a Winter Open House on Saturday, January 16, 12pm-8pm. Attendees will learn about the Spring 2016 schedule of workshops, including letterpress printing, bookbinding, book repair, and paper arts. Attendees may print their own bookmark or make their own book. Admission is free.
The 2016 schedule offers workshops on a variety of techniques and structures. Bookbinding I provides a basic foundation, while Japanese Bookbinding and Coptic Bookbinding will introduce students to centuries-old book structures, still perfectly appropriate today for journals and sketchbooks. Need a custom or personalized portfolio to house prints, photographs, or documents? Take the Portfolio for Artists workshop. Learn to make cyanotype prints and then house them in a hand bound photo album in the Alt Print and Photo Album workshop. Print your own business cards or another small project in one of the Introduction to Letterpress workshops. Learn to set type by hand, like Gutenberg, or learn about contemporary digital letterpress applications most often used today. Curious about book repair? Take Book Repair and Preservation. Do you have your own manuscript or book project you would like to bring to fruition? Learn the skills in DIY Publishing, or Bind Your Manuscript Using Lockstitch.
All workshops are “hands-on” and are appropriate for beginners, artists, and anyone interested in exploring the arts of the book. Workshop sizes are small, and instructors are accomplished artists and experienced professionals. Students can expect to walk away with a new skill set, in addition to beautiful, handmade books and prints that they will be proud to share with their friends and family.
In celebration of our inaugural season, the ABAC Board of Directors invites you to an Open House on Saturday, September 12, 10am-5pm.
Join us for bookbinding and letterpress demonstrations and register to win door prizes. Learn about the fall schedule of workshops and print your own bookmark!