ExpiredPIZZA and BOOKS! Basic Bookbinding for Children Ages 12-16

pizzabooks12to16Come for a fun afternoon and make a book for yourself and one for a friend! Bring your writing, or you can make a blank book to fill later.

You will learn to sew your pages together, make a cover from decorated paper & cloth (you choose) and bind it all together. You will go home with two books: one to keep and one to give as a gift.

Lunch provided!

Dates: Sunday, April 28
Time: 12pm-4pm
Max. no of students: 6
Instructor: Linda Anderson
Cost: $60 tuition + $10 materials fee

This workshop will be held at our new location. 5501 North Lamar Blvd, near the intersection of Lamar Blvd and Koenig Ln.

Note: Members receive a 10% discount off the price of tuition and materials. Please click here to join as a Member.

Linda Anderson is a retired art teacher and educator. She also has worked as a book conservator and bookbinder. Since 1992, she has led book-arts classes for children at libraries and Book-Arts fairs throughout Austin. Her art and book art has been exhibited in Texas and Utah.

  • April 28, 2019
    12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
    Total spaces remaining: 6
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

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